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How is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?

Malignant mesothelioma can be difficult to diagnose because symptoms of the disease often closely mimic those of less serious conditions. It will often require X-ray and other body scans (CT or MRI) in addition to a biopsy to conclusively diagnose mesothelioma. Nevertheless, those experiencing chronic cough, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, or breathing difficulties should alert their physician immediately. This is particularly true among those with a known asbestos-exposure history. Those with asbestos exposure history should communicate this to their physician even before symptoms appear so that they may be able to alert patients to warning signs of the disease. If detected early enough, patients may be eligible for aggressive treatment options, including surgical resection of the mesothelioma cancer and affected tissue. Oncologists and thoracic specialists will be able to assist the patient in determining the extent of the disease and the best treatment options for that particular patient.


mesothelioma - Design by Kyo Hammad